
Hypnosis For Addictions

More and more people are turning to hypnosis for addictions to help them break the vicious cycle of negative behaviour patterns. You can get addicted to pretty much anything, but some common addictions include:

  • Alcohol;
  • Chocolate;
  • Sex;
  • Gambling
  • Drugs
  • Phone

What Is an Addiction?

When we adopt a behaviour such as smoking or drinking alcohol, sometimes this becomes an unhealthy habit that we want to stop.

Some people are able to stop smoking or cut down on their drinking because it was always just a habit and habits can be changed fairly easily with commitment and determination.

Addictions are a whole different ball game, though. You can consider yourself addicted to something if the activity interrupts the quality of your life or the lives of those around you.

To effectively address addictions, we must consider the deeper emotional needs they are fulfilling.

If you are addicted to any behaviour you can be sure that:

  • On some level, you believe it is serving a deeper emotional purpose for you.
  • The alternative, ( ceasing the addictive behaviour) is perceived as far more painful than continuing the behaviour.
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What Causes Addictions?

Most addictions are caused and exacerbated by unresolved emotions. That is, the behaviour is serving to manage some kind of tension, anxiety or other uncomfortable emotion.

Addictive behaviour is often used to mask uncomfortable feelings. So, you may not even notice the uncomfortable feelings because the behaviour represses the emotions. Stop the behaviour and all the emotions come flooding back.

Once we continue with the behaviour, we start to believe that it is the only way to resolve the discomfort. And even though we know the behaviour is doing far more harm than good, on a deeper level there’s a pay-off going on where we’re getting something out of the behaviour even though it is destroying us.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Addiction Treatment?

Addiction often thrives when proper support and resources are lacking. Many people trapped in a cycle of relapse feel isolated due to stigma, financial barriers, or personal struggles, making it difficult to seek help.

Hypnotherapy offers an effective, alternative approach to breaking free from addiction by addressing the subconscious triggers and behaviours that fuel dependence.

This method not only helps you manage cravings in a safe, controlled environment but also rewires harmful patterns for lasting results without side effects. It empowers you to regain control, making it a viable option for those ready to overcome addiction and live a healthier, addiction-free life.

Feeding a dependence is like scratching an itch.

The more you scratch it, the itchier it becomes. On the other hand, if you resist the urge to scratch the itch eventually goes away. So it is with your cravings and urges – they ALWAYS pass.

But when you’re in the throes of a severe craving, false beliefs and stories begin to come up. It can really feel like the craving will go on and on until you satisfy it. So, a person can become a slave to their addiction because they believe:

  • If they have a craving or urge they MUST satisfy it;
  • Their cravings and urges are running the show;
  • Their cravings and urges will last forever.

Of course, none of these things are true – but the subconscious doesn’t know that. So, it keeps prompting you to feed your addiction and as a result, your addiction gains more and more power.

How Hypnotherapy For Addiction Treatment Works

Here’s how I treat addictions:

  • I talk to the client and get an understanding of which factors have caused or are exacerbating the addiction;
  • I use hypnosis to address the conditions and beliefs that keep the addiction alive. Addictions are complex and it is imperative to treat the cause as well as the symptoms;
  • And finally, at some point, the client has to be willing to make changes to their behaviour. I work with each client to desensitise them to any fear they may be experiencing at the thought of breaking the unwanted behaviour pattern.

This involves meeting the client where they are and setting goals with them that will allow them to actively challenge their perceived fears of breaking the addiction.

So, it’s a collaborative process between myself and the client that requires action on both sides.

If you’re looking for support in overcoming addictions in Melbourne, feel free to contact me directly or via the enquiry form.

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help you break free from addictive behaviours, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way on your journey toward a healthier, addiction-free life.

Hypnosis therapy is a collaborative process that involves active participation from both myself and the client, ensuring a shared commitment to achieving lasting results.

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Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help you break free from addictive behaviours, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way on your journey toward a healthier, addiction-free life.

Hypnosis therapy is a collaborative process that involves active participation from both myself and the client, ensuring a shared commitment to achieving lasting results.

CASE STUDY: Sally Conquered Her Chocolate Addiction

When Sally came to see me, she was adamant that if she could just stop eating chocolate, her life would be perfect. She spent every waking hour either thinking about or consuming chocolate and it was taking its toll on her health and her waistline.

It turns out Sally was using chocolate to fill a void in her life – she felt lonely and disconnected from the world. Sally hadn’t been in a long-term relationship for over 10 years and while she wanted to find a partner, she didn’t feel good enough within herself to even try.

Instead, she hid away from the world and found solace in her old friend’s chocolate. I did some hypnosis work to build her confidence and open her mind up to new possibilities.

We devised strategies that allowed Sally to slowly connect with the world again and then when she was feeling stronger, I did some work to help her let go of her obsession with chocolate.

At home in between sessions, she listened to my Chocolate Addiction Hypnosis MP3. Once Sally gained the confidence to step out of her comfort zone, make new friends and pursue her goals she no longer needed her old friend chocolate.

A qualified hypnotherapist can help you conquer your addiction by giving you the tools and techniques to actively challenge the beliefs and behaviour patterns that have interrupted the quality of your life. Be sure to choose a qualified clinical hypnotherapist with the right credentials and plenty of experience.