
Manage Your Anger Using Hypnotherapy

If your feelings of exasperation or rage are getting out of control, hypnosis for anger management can help you learn to stop blindly reacting to your feelings and express yourself in a calm and respectful way.

A skilled hypnotherapist shows you how to navigate difficult emotions in more skillful ways, so you can enjoy healthy and happy relationships.

Do We Really Want to Get Rid of Anger?

Most people don’t like feeling annoyed and upset. We’re taught when we’re growing up to ‘put on a happy face’, as though feelings of anger are somehow wrong and need to be ignored or banished.

If you’re trying to get rid of feelings of irritation, frustration, or outrage, that could be part of the problem.

Anger is a useful emotion.

It lets us know when our boundaries are being crossed so that we can take positive steps to address the situation in a respectful way before the anger builds to resentment.

But many people try to ignore their anger because they’re afraid of conflict. When you actively avoid setting boundaries, here’s what happens:

  • The anger, which often starts off as a mild annoyance, gets repressed. We might say things like ‘I’m being silly’ or ‘I need to be more easy-going’ and we deny ourselves the opportunity to acknowledge what needs our attention inside;
  • When we repress the anger it grows stronger;
  • When it inevitably reaches a tipping point we can act it out in inappropriate ways such as aggressive language or behaviour and then it  becomes all about our anger, rather than the reason we got angry in the first place;
  • If left unchecked, unresolved anger can turn into rage, anxiety, panic, or addictions.

In other words, repression is never a good idea. Sooner or later if you ignore your emotions, you will eventually act them out in inappropriate ways.

So, if acting out our anger isn’t the right solution and neither is repressing it, what are we supposed to do?

Why We Get Angry

It’s useful to know why anger becomes a problem for some people. In my experience, inappropriately expressed anger often arises as a result of:

  • Fear of conflict and a tendency to avoid it at all costs;
  • Fear of losing approval. This is often called people pleasing., where we always say yes even if it isn’t something we want to do;
  • Always trying to keep the peace and make sure nobody else gets upset; we deny our feelings in favour of keeping the peace;
  • Old beliefs and programs that equate self-care with selfishness.
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The Problem With ‘People Pleasing’

If you are someone who finds it hard to say no, set boundaries or speak your mind, this could be creating anger issues. When you aren’t able or willing to ask for what you want or speak your mind in a logical, rational way this is just another form of repressing emotions.

Being annoyed or upset doesn’t necessarily equate to aggression. You can express your anger in equally damaging passive-aggressive ways as well.

Examples are:

  • Stony silence or the ‘cold shoulder’;
  • Sarcasm, backbiting or finding fault;
  • Withholding affection, sex or love from your partner

The key to managing anger is not to react to it. A feeling of infuriation or resentment may come up inside you but that doesn’t mean you are an ‘angry person’.

Hypnosis For Anger Management Treatment:

Hypnotherapy offers a powerful way to address the psychological triggers behind traumatic anger without the need to revisit the trauma. 

This therapy addresses the underlying subconscious beliefs that govern the way your mind responds to your body’s impulses, providing greater emotional and physical resilience. As a result, hypnotherapy helps reduce anger-related symptoms and supports a healthier lifestyle.

If you’ve been searching for anger management programs or courses in Melbourne that target the root cause of your condition, hypnotherapy is an effective option for mitigating the negative impacts of anger. 

Unlike traditional counselling, hypnotherapy works on a deeper level to resolve the causes and triggers for your anger, allowing you to adopt healthier habits and significantly reduce your symptoms.

If you are looking for a hypnotherapist for anger management treatment, feel free to reach out to me by phone or schedule a session online.

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CASE STUDY: Deanna Didn’t Know She Had an Anger Problem

She actually came to see me for low libido. She had been sent by her husband because their sex-life had dwindled to nothing. Straight away alarm bells went off for me. I began to ask Deanna questions about her marriage and the relationship.

After talking with Deanna, I discovered that she was extremely annoyed with her husband for many reasons and that unbeknown to her, withholding sex was her way of gaining ground in the relationship.

Interestingly, many females who come to me with libido issues discover that it is caused by unresolved anger. Women want to have sex when they feel loved and cherished. Deanna needed to be straight with her husband and to help her do this I did lots of assertiveness and confidence work with her.

I encouraged her to open the lines of communication with her husband and in doing this, she was able to express her feelings without resorting to passive-aggressive behaviour.

As Deanna listened to my Anger hypnosis MP3 and she and her husband worked together to improve their communication skills, her libido problem went away – as did her anger problem.

Training your mind will teach you to observe your feelings from a distance rather than blindly reacting to them and becoming an ’anger-slave’.

A Clinical hypnotherapist can help uncover and remove the beliefs that cause fear of conflict and subsequent inappropriately expressed anger, help you communicate in a way that gets you heard and teach you how to get your needs met in healthy ways instead of having to resort to aggressive behaviour.