Exam Skills

Hypnotherapy for Effective Study and Stress-Free Exams

There’s nothing worse than working really hard in your chosen field of study and then not getting the results you deserve.

If you have a big exam or test coming up that requires you to memorize lots of information, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed and begin to doubt your ability to recall your study notes when the time comes to sit the exam.

The anticipation of failing may play on your mind so much that you actually talk yourself out of achieving the results you have worked so hard for.

How Negative Beliefs Hamper Memory Improvement

The words and language you use in your everyday conversations have a huge impact on your ability to remember and recall important information. 

When I use the term ‘conversation’, I am also referring to the internal dialogue that is continually going on in your mind.

Many of my clients tell me: ‘I have a terrible memory!’

They’re completely unaware that by saying this over and over again, they are perpetuating an internal belief that will ultimately play itself out.

This is because when you talk about something, even if you don’t want it to be true, you may be inadvertently creating a reality that you don’t want.

Then what happens is without knowing it, you create the circumstances that prove these beliefs to be true. In other words,

  • Repeated thoughts and words create beliefs
  • And beliefs create your reality.
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Causes of Memory Issues

Unless you have a physiological condition that causes memory loss, most people actually have a better memory than they think

In fact, your subconscious has a perfect memory. So, it isn’t necessarily your memory that is the problem; it’s more likely to be your ability to recall the memories in there.

Some factors that can impede  memory retention are:

  • Negative subconscious beliefs;
  • Fear of failure;
  • Feeling overwhelmed and having a cluttered mind

My Hypnotherapy for Exam Anxiety and Improved Study Skills

When I work with clients  for memory, study and exam success, I:

  • Gather information from the client, so that I can figure out where the concept of ‘I have a terrible memory’  or ‘I always do poorly in exams’ came from and identify the beliefs and behaviour patterns that are causing the problem;
  • The sessions involve hypnosis to address the conditions  and beliefs that are causing or exacerbating the issues;
  • I teach all my clients self-hypnosis to manage exam fear or self-doubt as it arises in real-time;
  • Rebuild self-reliance and self-esteem so that the client starts to really believe they do have the ability to achieve their desired goals in their field of study.

You are welcome to call me to learn how hypnotherapy can assist you in enhancing concentration, improving memory, and managing exam-related anxiety for better academic performance.

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CASE STUDY: Improve Your Concentration and Memory with Hypnosis

My client Justin was studying to be an air traffic controller. It is an incredibly competitive field, and only 5 percent of those who take the course end up being accepted into the recruitment program.

Understandably, Justin was more than a little anxious about his ability to stay in the top 5 percentile. The data he had to remember was incredibly dry and boring, so it was challenging for him to stay focused at the best of times.

There were two things going on with Justin: firstly, the nature of the data he was studying made it difficult for him to stay motivated to read and study the material. Secondly, Justin was struggling to believe in his ability to stay at the top of his game. The closer he came to doing the exam, the more nervous he became and the more he doubted himself.

I worked with Justin to build his confidence in his ability to absorb and retain the information easily, while addressing the deeply conditioned beliefs his subconscious was carrying around his supposedly ‘poor’ memory.


A few weeks after his last session, Justin sent me a text message to say he had aced the exam and that he had been accepted into the recruitment program. Justin harnessed the power of his mind (with my help) to achieve a stellar result.

If you’re looking to enhance your concentration, boost memory, manage exam anxiety, and improve study habits, hypnotherapy could be the solution you’re seeking.

Feel free to contact me directly or visit my Contact Us page to learn how this powerful therapy can support your academic journey. As a professional hypnotherapist based in Melbourne, I am committed to helping you achieve exam success and unlock your full potential through hypnosis.