What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxed, altered state of awareness that allows you to absorb, focus and concentrate on the words your therapist says.

People often seek the services of a hypnotherapist to lose weight, quit smoking, or change some other aspect of their lives for the better.

How Hypnosis Works

When a person starts to relax, their brainwave frequency begins to drop. As this happens the conscious critical part of the mind, which is the part that responds to and acts upon a person’s current beliefs, starts to fade out into the background.

This allows us to change or remove beliefs that are not working for us.

For example, if a person has a strong belief that they are a stressed-out person, then they will inevitably produce the situations and circumstances that prove that to be true.

it would be hard to change that belief if you were in conscious, because your critical mind would always be in the forefront judging, analysing and making decisions based on all current belief systems.

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Hypnosis Creates Positive Change

Hypnosis allows us to bypass critical thinking and put the subconscious mind in an open and receptive state .

At this point, it can easily absorb suggestions from the hypnotherapist that point to new beliefs that will enable the client to experience life as a calm, relaxed and well-adjusted person.

Hypnosis is a natural achievable state that feels very relaxing to the client, because most people  go into a hypnotic trance on their own throughout the course of a normal day. This process is called self-hypnosis.

When a hypnotherapist works with a client, the words they use and the tone and pace of their voice help the client to go into a relaxed and peaceful state of trance.

At that time the therapist can apply the hypnotic suggestions that will facilitate the client’s desired changes.

Examples Of Trance State

Some examples of times when you are in a state of self-hypnosis or trance are:

  • Driving from one place to another on automatic pilot;
  • When you are having a conversation but your mind drifts off to other thoughts;
  • Watching TV;
  • Getting lost in a good book

Just like when you’re daydreaming or watching TV, you are in control.

Similarly, when you are in the hypnotherapist’s office, they cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do.

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