Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Clinic in Melbourne

A professional consulting hypnotherapist has the skills to diagnose and address the subconscious triggers  and beliefs that stop a person from quitting smoking.

Most of my clients have had a couple of attempts at quitting using nicotine patches and other methods before they end up at my doorstep.

Reasons Why People Smoke

Many people who smoke started at a young age, where they may have been trying to fit in and perhaps responding to peer pressure.

They may not have initially enjoyed smoking but as they got used to it, they became addicted to the nicotine and started to enjoy the habit.

Some people even believe that because they’ve smoked for so long that there’s no hope for them.

Interestingly though, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve smoked or how much you smoke or vape in a day that determines your ability to quit.

It’s more likely to depend on how smoking or vaping could be filling a deeper need that you may or may not be aware of.

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Habit Smokers

Generally, there are two types of smokers:

The first type of smoker is the habit smoker. These people tend to smoke as a response to triggers such as first thing in the morning, after meals or while driving.

These people are often able to quit fairly easily and in just one session, because the unwanted habit doesn’t necessarily serve as emotional crutch for them.

Emotional smokers

Emotional smokers are those who use smoking or vaping to fulfil a deeper need. Emotional smokers also respond to triggers, but there’s another layer to be considered.

You may be an emotional smoker or vaper if you do it when you’re:

  • Stressed;
  • Bored;
  • Angry;
  • Depressed

The Top 10 Smoking Triggers

All smokers I work with have times during the day where a specific activity triggers the want or need to have a cigarette. I’m talking about picking up a cigarette automatically, without thinking. Here are the most common ones:

  • First thing in the morning;
  • After meals;
  • While driving;
  • On the phone;
  • With coffee or tea;
  • With alcohol;
  • On breaks;
  • While waiting for something;
  • Procrastinating before doing something (I’ll just have a cigarette and then I’ll do that…);
  • A reward (I’ve done that now I can have a ciggie…)

As you can see, people smoke for all sorts of reasons. This means that each session must be tailored to the client, their old habits, and their subconscious mind.

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Why Emotional Smokers Need More Hypnosis Sessions

Emotional smokers must address the symptom and the cause of the smoking. If you take away the habit without giving your subconscious mind another way to manage the emotions, then one of 3 things will happen:

  • You won’t quit;
  • You’ll quit for a while and then start up when something stressful happens;
  • Or you’ll replace it with an equally addictive behaviours, such as alcohol or food.

This is why so many people who quit this habit end up gaining weight. Some people are a combination of both types, and I always address both the symptom and the cause in the first session.

Quitting Smoking Diagnosis and Hypnotherapy Treatment Plan

I’ve mentioned triggers in detail; now I’ll talk about beliefs.

Most clients have subconscious beliefs that stop them from quitting for good.

With your permission, I can help you remove the subconscious triggers and beliefs that are causing you to smoke. 

One person’s barriers to quitting are different to the next person’s so it’s important to find a clinical hypnotherapist who will be able to create a custom-tailored treatment plan for you.

My Hypnosis Treatment for Stop Smoking

  • I provide a detailed diagnosis of the beliefs and subconscious blocks that are stopping you from quitting;
  • Every appointment includes a powerful hypnosis session with me,  that directly addresses your specific blocks to quitting and moves you in the direction of your goal;
  • We collaborate to develop an action plan that will enable you to quit cigarettes for good;
  • You receive a professionally-recorded hypnotherapy quit smoking MP3 to  listen to in between sessions that will amplify the work we do together and provide ongoing support;
  • Pay as you go, or choose a 3-session package to save money

For more information on how hypnosis can help you quit smoking, feel free to contact me or call me at 0403920200.

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My client Matt was a diehard pack-a-day smoker and had been for most of his life. He’d tried to quit numerous times but the pull of the ciggie with a beer was too strong to resist.

When he quit smoking Matt was fine for a while – but the moment he stepped into the pub with his mates, that little voice in his head kept saying: ‘go on….you can just have one…’ Guess what people? You can never (EVER) just have one!

Matt had a subconscious block that kept him stuck in this cycle of behaviour – that’s why he kept convincing himself it was okay to just have one cigarette. I found the subconscious block that was the root cause of the problem and addressed it in just one session.

Matt became a non-smoker for the rest of his life.

If you’re seeking hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking, you’re welcome to call me directly or visit the Contact Us page for further information. As a Melbourne-based hypnotherapist, I am committed to supporting your journey to a healthier, smoke-free life through the proven benefits of hypnosis.