
Hypnosis for Stammering and Stuttering

People who stutter often know exactly what they want to say, and often have the words perfectly formed inside their own minds.

Yet when they try to speak the words don’t come out in the right way. When we can’t communicate effectively, it affects every area of our lives, but most importantly it affects our self-esteem.

Stuttering is common among children and most kids grow out of it naturally, going on to become well-adjusted adults. Others find it more difficult and the condition carries on into adulthood.

Examples of Stuttering

Examples of stuttering are:

  • Saying the first letter of a word more than once;
  • Elongating the vowels in certain words to the degree that it is noticeable;
  • Difficulty starting or completing a sentences

The stuttering experience varies from individual to individual, and may even include facial tics.

A person who has a rapid speech rate in general may be more prone to stuttering, as the words and ideas form in the person’s mind and they’re unable to articulate them in time.

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Elements That Exacerbate Stuttering

Some people find they’re stuttering problem gets worse when:

  • They are stressed, under pressure or tired;
  • In the presence of people in authority

Ongoing issues with speech can affect a person’s self-esteem and, and some may suffer from feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.

Then the internal dialogue and proliferation of negative thoughts and beliefs keep the behaviour going.

My Hypnotherapy Treatment Protocol for Stammering and Stuttering

I treat stuttering in 4 steps:

  • The first step involves information gathering, where I talk to the client and get an understanding of which factors may have caused the stuttering;
  • Secondly, the sessions involve hypnosis to address the conditions  and beliefs that are causing or exacerbating the stuttering;
  • I teach all my clients self-hypnosis to manage the difficult feelings about stuttering as they arise in real-time. It’s not uncommon for clients to get lost in the ‘what if I stutter’ feedback loop, where they lose all ability to communicate because they’re lost in their own thoughts;
  • And finally, most clients with stuttering avoid certain situations that make their stuttering worse. This is called a false refuge, because the avoidance alleviates the difficult feelings for a short time, but it also strengthens the negative beliefs and ultimately ensures that the problem will get worse.

I aim to desensitise the client from their fear of making a mistake, being ashamed or feeling in adequate so they get to the point where if they stutter, they don’t mind so much.

This involves meeting the client where they are and setting goals with them that enables them to actively challenge their perceived fears.

It is a collaborative process between the therapist and the client and requires action on both sides.

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CASE STUDY: Confidence Is the Key

As Alison’s confidence improved, she became less and less worried about her speech. When she communicated with others she was able to focus on making them feel comfortable and as she did this her own self-consciousness vanished.

The stutter was significantly diminished after three sessions and completely gone after the 5th session. She said: ‘It’s so funny, the stuttering has been a part of me for so long I thought I would never be able to get rid of it. Now it’s as if I never had the problem in the first place.’

If you would like to try hypnotherapy for stuttering, always work with a qualified professional who has a solid level of experience with the problem. As a Melbourne-based hypnotherapist, I am committed to helping you achieve a better quality of life through the powerful benefits of hypnosis. You are most welcome to call me directly or visit my Contact Us page for more details.