I Don’t Believe in Hypnosis - Will it Still Work?

“I have to warn you: I don’t believe in hypnosis”, said Dan, who had called me enquiring about quitting smoking. “I’m not into all that airy fairy stuff, but I’m getting desperate and I’m willing to give anything a try”. “Great!”, I said. “When would you like to come in?”

Dan’s warning didn’t faze me in the slightest, because scepticism is not a barrier to a successful outcome in hypnosis. All you have to do is keep an open mind and be willing to trust the process.

Must You Believe in Hypnosis?

Belief in hypnosis is not required in order to benefit from the sessions. 

Having said that,  there’s a big difference between being sceptical of something and being afraid of it. If you’re considering hypnotherapy, you should be honest with yourself and your potential therapist about your reservations.

Give your therapist the opportunity to explain the procedure in detail so she can address all of your concerns and put your mind at ease.

When to Step Back

Almost everybody who comes to see me for the first time is a little nervous; that’s perfectly okay; but if you are too agitated to relax then you won’t be in the right frame of mind to work with a hypnotherapist. You should never undergo hypnosis if:

  • You are agitated or suicidal;
  • You are afraid of hypnosis and your therapist has not alleviated your concerns;
  • You don’t trust your hypnotherapist;
  • You don’t want to be hypnotized
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Sometimes people get sent to me by well-meaning partners or family members. If I’m not 100% sure the client is completely comfortable with the process, I will not consult with them.

There are a lot of false beliefs about hypnosis and many people tend to believe what the media says about it, especially the sensationalised stories of people supposedly being made to do all kinds of crazy things while in trance.

It’s no wonder people are wary!

Don’t be fooled by mass opinions. Do your own research and make an informed decision based on scientific evidence that is readily available.

If you’ve got something you really need help with and nothing else you’ve tried has worked but you’re thinking ‘I don’t believe in hypnosis so what’s the point?’, it’s okay.

As long as you’re willing to try, you will likely find that not only will you benefit from the experience, but you will also become a true believer in the power of your subconscious mind. 

If you’d like to talk to me about how I may be able to help you, feel free to call me on or contact me via my website.


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