What Happens To The Brain During Hypnosis?

Every now and then I get a client who just can’t get their head around the fact that during their hypnosis session they’re able to hear, remember and comprehend most or all of what I say.

There are so many myths about hypnosis going around that even when I explain in detail what will happen to first-timers, they’re often gob-smacked at just how ordinary it feels., and subsequently a little sceptical of its efficacy.

Yet the process of hypnosis, which is really actually self-hypnosis, is deceptively simple. Here is an in-depth explanation of exactly what is going on in your brain when you relax with me in my chair.


Your state of awareness can be physically measured by an electroencephalograph using frequency (Hz). 

Beta is measured at 14-50 Hz and can be described as waking consciousness.

You are alert and wide awake and when we communicate you can hear, comprehend and understand everything I am saying.

During this time your conscious critical mind is activated and you respond to existing beliefs in your subconscious, acting upon those beliefs on a day-to-day basis.


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When you begin to listen to my voice in the chair, you relax and your brainwave frequency drops.

The reticular activating system in your brain starts to shut down and your conscious mind takes a little hiatus. Eventually, you drop down to Alpha, which is measured at 7.5-14Hz.

During this time, you can hear and understand me. You are able to follow along with any guided visualisation I offer, using your imagination vividly. 

Your mind is very receptive to the suggestions I give you during this time.


When you start to relax even more your brainwave frequency may drop further, down to Theta, which is measured at 4-7.5Hz. Things can start to feel a little fuzzy at this point.

During this time your mind may wander off and you might even miss parts of what I say.

This is perfectly normal and it means that your subconscious mind is listening to and acting upon my suggestions.


Delta is the deepest state of hypnosis and comes in at 0.5-4Hz.

Delta is a deeply restorative state and during that time you are not aware of what your hypnotherapist is saying, but the suggestions are being accepted.

You should note that it’s rare for you to only enter one state during your hypnosis session. More likely you will begin by oscillating from Alpha to Theta, and sometimes when you become more accustomed to my voice you may drop down to Delta.

Each of these stages are equally effective in enabling the client to make positive and lasting life changes.

If you’d like to talk to me about how I may be able to help you, feel free to call me or contact me via my website.


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