How Much Does a Weight Loss Session Cost?

When people wonder: ‘how much does it cost to get hypnotherapy weight loss in Melbourne?’, then chances are they’ve tried everything else to lose weight and it hasn’t worked.

Many of my weight loss clients confess that they’ve lost hope. For them, hypnosis is a last resort before gastric band surgery; a final ditch effort to solve the headspace problem that robs them of their health and happiness.

Without fail, the most popular questions asked about the hypnotherapy process are centred around pricing.

After all, we’re all busy, hard-working people and we want to be sure we’re getting value for money.

But with prices to see a hypnotist varying so much, how will you know if you’re being ripped off? In some cases, such as with quit smoking hypnotherapy, hypnosis can actually solve the problem in the first session.

However, this is not usually the case with weight loss is the exception. I have been practising since 2003 and what I’ve discovered after working with thousands of patients is that you’re pretty much wasting your money if you don’t commit to at least three sessions.

How Effective Is Hypnosis for Weight Loss?

Contrary to what many people believe, hypnosis is not mind control. I can’t simply take over and tell you what to do. 

I can, however, bypass your conscious mind and see what unhelpful thought processes and beliefs are causing a poor relationship with food and exercise.

Hypnosis works to put you in a relaxed state; a skilled hypnotherapist can then help to navigate your subconscious and create better habits that are in alignment with your goals. 

While it doesn’t deliver the fast results that other treatments promise (and fail to deliver), hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help create sustainable changes to your life and health.


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Weight Loss Hypnosis Costs

If you’re shopping around for the best price for clinical hypnosis, there will be pretty much three kinds of options you will be presented with:

  • Pay as you go (sessional basis);
  • Set price for a program (includes a set number of sessions);
  • Once only fee

 My weight loss program is a set price, with the basic hypnosis weight loss cost starting at $710.00.

This includes three fifty-minute sessions and a professionally recorded hypnosis MP3. I don’t allow clients to pay as they go because I require a commitment from them that they are willing to attend the full three sessions.

In my experience, those who are truly willing to take responsibility for their weight problem have no issue with this fee structure.

Don't Be Fooled By the Once Only Fee

You may be wondering how many sessions of hypnotherapy you really need for weight loss. Some practitioners charge an exorbitant amount (usually in excess of $500.00) for a single appointment, ‘wham bam thank you man’ quick fix. Many even claim that in just one session you will be ‘cured’. 

Don’t be fooled!


In my experience, it’s much more complicated than that. Most people who come to see me have been struggling for decades with this problem.

Behaviours such as overeating, secret snacking and binge eating are almost always rooted in low self-esteem, negative body image, inability to set boundaries and repressing negative emotions.

That kind of thing can’t be fixed in one session. A qualified and ethical hypnotherapy practitioner will take a multi-faceted approach to your weight loss hypnotherapy that involves treating not just the symptom, but the true root cause of your problem.

Is It Worth Paying for A Virtual Gastric Band?

Many clients are undergoing virtual gastric banding – that is, hypnosis that makes you believe you have had gastric band surgery – as an alternative to having a gastric band fitted. 

This supposedly makes you feel that your stomach is smaller and you feel less hungry, so that you may end up eating less food.

That being said, many virtual gastric band programs often fail to address the underlying issues that resulted in you eating more food or having poor eating habits in the first place. 

Although you may see results from having a virtual gastric band, these results may not be long term and if you are confronted with old triggers, you may simply return to your old lifestyle.

This is why my weight loss program focuses on the cause, not just the symptoms. By treating the actual problem and encouraging better diet and exercise habits, you’re more likely to make permanent changes.


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