
How Can I Help?

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Weight Loss

Clinical hypnotherapy is an excellent tool that digs deep into your subconscious mind to remove the self-sabotaging mechanisms that cause weight problems.

Eating Disorders

Those who begin to research hypnosis for eating disorders have usually exhausted every other avenue before reaching this point. Learn more about hypnosis.

Quit Smoking

A professional consulting hypnotherapist has the skills to diagnose and address the subconscious triggers and beliefs that stop a person from quitting smoking.


At Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic, I specialise in providing expert hypnosis services to help clients address anxiety in a significant, effective way.


More and more people are researching hypnosis for depression as an effective treatment that is more effective than conventional therapies.


If you’re dealing with heartbreak over a failed marriage or relationship, hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to help you process your feelings.


Phobias respond very well to hypnotherapy because it addresses the root cause of the client's issue in a safe, effective manner.

Confidence And Self Esteem

Hypnosis is a highly effective tool that resolves the underlying beliefs and behaviour patterns that cause low self-esteem.


If your feelings of exasperation or rage are getting out of control, hypnosis for anger management can help you manage four feelings.


More and more people are turning to hypnosis for addictions to help them break the vicious cycle of negative behaviour patterns.

Gaming Addiction

Hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular for treating gaming addiction. IGD is becoming more prevalent in out society.

Body Image

It’s almost impossible to have a positive body image in this youth-obsessed society. Learn how to cultivate love and respect for your body.

Sleep Issues

Sleep disorders are a big problem in our society and to date, nobody has come up with an effective medication to treat it.

Relationship Issues

You may need some relationship help if you’re having a hard time getting along with other people or you don’t know how to manage conflict.

Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are essential in life, but sadly many people just don’t know how to relate to other people in a healthy, positive way.

Fear Of Public Speaking

Hypnosis is an incredibly effective tool for public speaking phobia, because it gets to the root cause of the problem quickly.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Many people suffering from PTSD seek counselling to resolve the problem, only to find that it has little or no beneficial effect.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Hypnosis can be an effective treatment for obsessive compulsive disorders as it addresses the subconscious causes of the issue.


Lots of people struggle with procrastinating, wasting time and feeling like they’re treading water in life.

Study and Exam Skills

There’s nothing worse than working really hard in your chosen field of study and then not getting the results you deserved.

Sexual Problems

Sexual issues are common, but because most people don’t talk about them, they remain a mystery.


People who stutter often know exactly what they want to say, and often have the words perfectly formed inside their own minds.

Psychotherapy and Counselling

Many people often ask me if the process of hypnosis involves some level of counselling; and it does.

Remote Hypnosis

The decision to book online hypnosis sessions is becoming more and more popular as people are looking for ways to make the best use of their time.

Questions about hypnotherapy

The Most Common Questions

Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxed concentration that bypasses your conscious mind and allows you to change negative beliefs that are locked deep within your subconscious mind. A clinical hypnotherapist can find the beliefs that are not working for you and help you change them.
YES. Hypnotherapy is completely safe and effective, provided you choose a fully qualified therapist with plenty of experience. Unlike the old wive’s tales involving clucking chickens, barking dogs and swinging pendulum watches, hypnosis is a completely natural and achievable state that is very beneficial on all levels.
Hypnotherapy feels very similar to daydreaming. In fact you don’t need the help of a hypnotherapist to go into a hypnotic trance. You already do this every day by yourself. You know, when your mind wanders off in a meeting or class, or when you’re driving your car? That’s self-hypnosis.
There are plenty of ways you can tell if you’re in hypnosis or not. One is if you are able to imagine what I am describing to you. So, if I ask you to imagine you’re lying in the grass and looking up at the sky and you can do that, you’re in a state of hypnosis. There are also many other subtle clues that signify you’re in a trance.
Rest assured, you CAN be hypnotized if this is what you want. Choose a qualified therapist with plenty of experience and you can’t go wrong. Your therapist will gently guide you into a relaxed state and you’ll be amazed at how easy it really is.
There are various stages of hypnosis that can be measured in brainwave frequency using an electroencephalogram (EEG) test. This article explains what happens to the brain during hypnosis.