COVID-19 has shaken us all up. Here are some practical ways you can rebalance yourself during this time of turmoil.
Everybody wants to lose weight but hardly anybody approaches it the right way. Here are some common pitfalls you should avoid when embarking on a weight loss program.
Can’t afford to have hypnotherapy? There are many ways to enjoy the benefits of hypnosis without paying too much.
Here are my most popular and effective tips for becoming a healthier person in 2021.
Read this article to learn the best way to choose a hypnotherapist
Many people suffer from low self-esteem. These tips for self-appreciation will get you on track within 30 days.
Enjoy these inspiring quotes on happiness, peace and wellbeing to brighten your day
In this article I explain how being a clinical hypnotherapist has taught me a lot about people.
You won’t believe how destructive these 9 common habits are. Learn how to avoid them and live a happy, carefree life.