Can I Get Stuck in Hypnosis?

Some people mistakenly believe that hypnosis is some mystical phenomenon that is to be feared. Some even worry that it may be possible to get stuck in hypnosis.

Rest assured; this cannot happen.

During your hypnotherapy session I am monitoring you very closely at all times. At the end of the session, I count from one to ten and with the assistance of my voice you wake up.

On rare occasions if my client has sleep issues, I might let them drift gently off to sleep for a few minutes. As you know, a person can awaken from sleep at any time they choose.

What Happens When You Are in Hypnosis

When you’re in hypnosis you don’t go off into a parallel universe or anything dramatic like that. What really happens is that as you listen to my voice your mind wanders off occasionally.

During that time, you’re not consciously paying attention to what I’m saying (even though your subconscious mind is all ears). When your mind wanders off that means you’re in a state of hypnosis. 

You’ve probably gone off into various daydreams at least 5 times already today (maybe even while reading this page!) and as you know, your mind always eventually comes back to the task at hand. 

So just like this situation, when the hypnosis session ends your mind comes back to conscious awareness easily and effortlessly.

Book Your Session

It’s Okay: You’re in Control

You’ve probably read horror stories about stage hypnotists locking unsuspecting audience members into a perpetual state of hypnosis. But that’s all baloney. Nobody will remain in a trance unless they want to. Not you, not me and not anybody on the planet.

Once, in the middle of a hypnosis session with a client, I had to very quickly excuse myself to be violently ill in the bathroom (…well it was either that or vomit over the client – not a good look!)

When I returned, she was sitting in the chair fully awake and alert with a smile on her face (obviously I didn’t make her pay for THAT session!). 

Just like my client, if for some reason you needed to awaken from hypnosis due to an emergency, you would do so easily, without hesitation.

If you’d like to talk to me about how I may be able to help you, feel free to call me or contact me via my website.