
Hypnosis For Depression

More and more people are researching hypnosis for depression because unlike traditional forms of talk therapy, you don’t have to spend months attending weekly sessions. 

This effective modality directly addresses the negative subconscious beliefs that are perpetuating the feelings of hopelessness and despair.

What Have You Got To Be Depressed About?

There are many variations of depression, from mild to severe but one thing many of my clients have in common is a sense of shame or guilt about the way they’re feeling.

This is because people mistakenly believe that happiness is dependent on factors such as status, financial position and other outside factors and while these things do come into play to some degree, it’s far more complex than that.

Depression can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Hormonal changes at any stage of life and especially in menopause;
  • Stopping or starting any medications that affect the brain such as antidepressants or benzodiazepines;
  • Grief or loss;
  • Any other stressful life events, big or small

Organic Depression

Generally, there are 2 categories of depression.

The first type is called organic depression, and this means that the condition is solely caused by something going on physiologically in the body

This can include:

  • A chemical imbalance in the brain;
  • Hormonal issues;
  • Blood sugar issues or poor diet

If you fall into this category, then hypnosis is unlikely to help, because I can’t change your brain chemistry or anything else going on in your body.

Situational Depression

The second type of depression is often related to your life situation. For example:

As a result of these pressures and obstacles people can sometimes experience a lack of confidence and develop negative subconscious beliefs that feed the vicious cycle of depression.

During these times it can be normal to go into a state of inner turmoil while we work through the difficult feelings that come up. But if you’re uncomfortable with these emotions you may instead repress them until eventually they all build up and it becomes too much to bear.

I liken it to an internal ‘barrel ‘that contains all the negative emotions and energies we experience in our day to day lives.

Those emotions remain in the barrel until they are processed, dealt with or reconciled by the individual.

If we get hit with a lot of these emotions all at once or if we haven’t dealt with the existing barrel of ‘stuff’, that barrel will eventually become full and we may feel like we can’t cope any more. My job is to help clients empty that barrel in the easiest, most effective way possible.

It’s worth noting that if you’re taking medication for your depression it doesn’t necessarily mean that it was caused by physiological factors alone, so you could likely benefit from hypnotherapy as an adjunct to the medical attention you are currently receiving.

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The Impact of Hypnosis on Treating Depression

Just because you think a thought, doesn’t make it true. Think of it this way: if someone told you a story, would you believe it to be true? You wouldn’t, because you’d immediately be able to see the difference between fact and fiction.

When it comes to storytelling, your mind is an expert. Still, that doesn’t mean you have to get caught up in it; in fact, you can train your mind to break the cycle of negative thinking that keeps you stuck in a depressive state.

A hypnotherapy expert works with the subconscious mind to help a person release any beliefs, behaviour patterns or mind states that are causing the problem.

My Hypnotherapy Treatment Protocol for Depression

When I treat clients for situational depression, I start by gathering a lot of information and asking lots of questions.

  • I provide a detailed diagnosis of the beliefs and subconscious blocks that are causing or exacerbating depression;
  • Every appointment includes a powerful hypnosis session with me,  that directly addresses the client’s specific blocks to happiness and wellbeing;
  • All clients receive a professionally-recorded hypnotherapy depression MP3 to  listen to in between sessions that will amplify the work we do together and provide ongoing support;
  • Pay as you go, or choose a 3-session package to save money and experience the positive outcomes from depression focused hypnosis treatment.
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CASE STUDY: Caitlin Was Completely Lost in Life

Do you ever feel like you have lost yourself? My client Caitlin felt this way too, after a series of life events left her reeling. She called me after suffering from a severe panic attack and subsequently going into deep depression after both her parents died within 6 months of each other.

Grieving for one person is hard enough but when you’re faced with a loss like this it can feel like nothing is ever going to get better. Caitlin’s whole world was rocked and she needed to find a way out of the black hole. We started with some grief and anxiety work.

The hypnotherapy procedure I followed was designed to help Caitlin feel a little safer about her life so she could start to rebuild it. She also had a tendency to ignore or deny her emotions, so she had to learn to manage those emotions in a more constructive way. As she progressed, the fog lifted and she started to become more and more confident within herself.

Caitlin’s story is a great example of when life situations get on top of us and we fall in a heap.

The best way to find out if hypnosis is the right tool for you is to speak directly to a qualified clinical hypnotherapist.

If you have a lot of stuff going on that has built up so you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope, hypnosis for depression may help you process feelings of grief, loss and hopelessness in a way that allows you to let go of old mind patterns and move forward.

Feel free to reach out to me directly or visit our Contact Us page to discover how hypnotherapy can support your journey to overcoming depression. As a Melbourne-based hypnotherapist, I am dedicated to helping you achieve a healthier, depression-free life through the power of hypnosis therapy..