
Hypnosis for Anxiety

At Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic, I specialise in providing expert hypnosis services to help clients conquer anxiety and regain control of their lives.

My tailored approach focuses on a person’s specific needs, offering effective solutions for long-lasting results.

Understanding Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety can significantly impact daily life, causing feelings of worry, fear, and unease that can interfere with everyday activities.

It can manifest in various forms, such as panic attacks, social anxiety, or generalised anxiety disorder.

Just because a feeling of impending doom arises, it doesn’t mean we have to be defined by it. I have taught many of my clients who found themselves paralysed by worry strategies to help them stop getting lost in their nightmares.

Seeking professional help is crucial for managing anxiety effectively, as it enables individuals to learn coping strategies, gain insight into their triggers, and develop healthier ways of responding to stressful situations.

How Hypnosis Helps with Anxiety

Hypnosis works by guiding individuals into a relaxed and focused state where they are open to positive suggestions.

This state allows the hypnotherapist to address underlying anxiety triggers, such as negative thought patterns, beliefs, or past traumas, and re-wire the mind to stop responding to old programs.

Hypnosis can help people reframe their perception of anxiety, reduce stress levels, and develop new coping mechanisms for managing symptoms effectively.

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Situational Anxiety

Broadly speaking there, will be one of two causes for uneasiness and worry. If your anxiety is situational, this means that there are situations, circumstances, or people that your subconscious mind perceives as a threat.

For example, if over the past few months, a close family member has been seriously ill and your sleep is disturbed as a result, you may feel agitated and distressed on a regular basis. This would be described as situational anxiety.

I help individuals through situational anxiety and teach them tools that alleviate the feelings generated by these situations so that no matter what happens, they can cope and eventually, thrive.

Organic Anxiety

When I use this term I’m describing any kind of fretfulness that comes out of the blue for no reason. This can be caused by a number of factors:

  • Adding, changing, or discontinuing psychotropic medications (such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or sleep aids);
  • Poor or inadequate diet;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Recreational drug use

Organic anxiety can’t be treated with hypnosis, because a clinical hypnotherapist has no control over your hormones or brain chemistry.

My Approach to Anxiety Therapy

At Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic, my approach to anxiety therapy is holistic and personalised. I use a combination of hypnotherapy techniques and mindfulness practices to address the root causes of anxiety and empower people to take control of their mental health.

  • I provide a detailed diagnosis of the beliefs and subconscious blocks that are causing or exacerbating anxiety;
  • Every appointment includes a powerful hypnosis session with me,  that directly addresses the client’s specific blocks to happiness and well-being;
  • All clients receive a professionally recorded hypnotherapy anxiety MP3 to  listen to in between sessions that will amplify the work we do together and provide ongoing support;
  • Pay as you go, or choose a 3-session package to save money

You’re welcome to call me directly or visit our Contact Us page to learn how hypnotherapy can help you overcome anxiety-related challenges. Based in Melbourne, I’m here to guide you through your journey with hypnosis therapy, helping you achieve a healthier, anxiety-free life.

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CASE STUDY: How Brian Got His Life Back with Hypnosis

When Brian came to see me, his whole life had been turned upside down by a recent separation. He had been left to look after the kids and fend for himself after 23 years of marriage. Not surprisingly, he fell in a heap.

Even though he knew his marriage was over, he was finding it hard to move on and every time he thought about his wife it sent him spiralling into overwhelming worry, anger, and hopelessness. The first thing I did was help Brian heal the hurt and resentment he was carrying so he could move on with his life in a constructive way.

After his first session, Brian was amazed at how much lighter he felt. I continued to work on his confidence, self-esteem, and ability to set boundaries in subsequent sessions. 

At the same time, I set mini-goals with him, including specific activities that would help him get back into the world and establish a life and identity that was separate from the one he had as a married man.

By his fourth session, Brian was feeling calm, confident, and ready to live life. He had joined a gym and started eating better and was even looking into joining social sporting clubs.

Let’s Chat

If you’ve taken a few hard knocks and your feelings of restlessness and agitation are disrupting the quality of your life, hypnosis can help you unpack the baggage, put it where it needs to go, and take the next step to create a happy and healthy future.
Get in touch via my contact page if you would like to book an appointment.