Body Image

Hypnosis for Body Image

It’s almost impossible to have a positive body image in this youth-obsessed society. There are many factors that influence the way a person feels about their body, including upbringing, media images, and consumer messages.

It’s no wonder eating disorders are on the rise among my clients. If you struggle to accept your body the way it is it can feel like you’re a prisoner of your own thoughts.

Positive Body Image

If you hate your body then no amount of weight loss, surgery or anything else will help. In fact, if left unchecked negative body image can sometimes evolve into an eating disorder. 

Low self-esteem is an epidemic in Western cultures. In a society that idolizes youth and beauty, it is inevitable that at some stage we may have doubts about the way we look.

And that’s because most people don’t understand what positive body image really is.

  • A healthy body image Isn’t feeling good about the way your body or your face looks;
  • it’s knowing your body IS good, regardless of the way it looks.

Causes of Negative Body Image

The media and big businesses create and perpetuate one image of beauty and that image almost always incorporates being eternally young, and thin (if you’re female) but with curves in all the right places or well-defined for masculine body types.

There is an expectation of total absence of any flaw such as cellulite, sagging, wrinkles, or blemishes.

Media exposure is a big contributor to the way we feel about our bodies. The latest research suggests that the more media exposure a person has, the more likely they are to experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and disordered eating.

Other causes Include:

  • Negative comparison and seeing ourselves as falling short;
  • Self-judgment and body-shaming;
  • Negative beliefs that are deeply conditioned from childhood
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Do You Have a Body Image Problem?

You may have a body image problem if:

  • The number on the scale governs your mood for the day;
  • You cringe every time you see a reflection of yourself;
  • You avoid social situations because you’re ashamed of the way you look;
  • You are beginning to develop unhealthy or restrictive eating patterns

So how do we break free from insane societal and social expectations and develop a better body image?

My Approach to Hypnotherapy for Body Image Issues

Well, it starts with understanding what feeds negative body image. With this in mind, you may want to consider limiting your media exposure.

We need to:

  • Cultivate self-compassion and refuse to feed the habit of self-loathing;
  • Understand how the mind works and discover the difference between strategies that support positive body image as opposed to those that do not;
  • Address any underlying negative beliefs that may be contributing to the problem.

Feel free to reach out to me directly or visit the Contact Us page to discuss how hypnotherapy can support you in overcoming body image concerns. I’m here to help guide you through your journey of Hypnosis therapy towards a healthier, more positive self-image.

CASE STUDY: Laura Couldn’t Look at Herself in The Mirror

Laura came to me in tears, initially distressed because she had gained ten kilos over a period of 2 years. Laura didn’t just dislike her body – she loathed it. She avoided any situations where she might bump into somebody she knew when she was slimmer for fear that they would judge and look down on her.

To top it all off she hated her nose and was convinced that this was the only feature others saw. Laura certainly wasn’t ready to do any weight loss work yet. She was far too fragile. So instead, I concentrated on building a solid foundation of self-worth. I taught her how to value herself for her other qualities, not just her physical body.

We addressed the negative subconscious beliefs that were keeping her stuck in a cycle of self-hatred and, slowly but surely she began to let go of the idea that she was an ugly, unacceptable or inappropriate person.

As Laura let go of her anxiety about being imperfect, other people were instantly drawn to her. She became more confident, outgoing and friendly. Once we built a solid foundation of self-acceptance, Laura was ready to lose weight in a healthy, positive way – and she did.
Your body is only a tiny fraction of the worthwhile human being that you are. When people see you, they don’t just look at your nose or your chin or your thighs. They are seeing a multi-faceted being – the whole package. Learning to accept yourself just as you are is the key to happiness.

A Clinical hypnotherapist who is well-trained in how the mind works will be able to give you tools and strategies that will allow you to be more mindful, avoid getting caught up in the stories that are created by the mind and develop true kindness and appreciation for your body and all that it does for you.

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