
Hypnosis For Motivation and Energy

Lots of people struggle with procrastinating, wasting time and feeling like they’re treading water in life.

Some people never get to the gym, no matter how many good intentions they have. Others can’t bring themselves to update their resume so they can finally leave that job they hate.

When you can’t ‘make’ yourself do what needs to be done, this often leads to feelings of hopelessness or depression. These negative emotions then feed the cycle of self-sabotage and make the problem worse.

Why Can’t You Motivate Yourself?

When most people think of the word ‘motivation’, they associate it with ‘getting it done, no matter what’. They say things like:

  • ‘I just have to get on with it’, or;
  • ‘I’m just being lazy’

But perceived laziness is a symptom of other stuff going on.

If you’re addicted to busy-ness or always have way too many balls in the air you might hear yourself saying

  • ‘I just have to make time’

But it’s literally impossible to make any more time that the 24 hours in a day that we all have. So, if you’re not doing what you say you want to be doing, there’s always something else going on.

CASE STUDY: Successful Hypnotherapy for Motivation - Helen

In our first meeting, my client Helen was feeling very depressed and alone. Getting out of bed was impossible most mornings, much less going to work and completing all the jobs at home that were piling up around her.

She said: ‘It’s so frustrating! Whenever I get a moment to myself, all I do is lie around watching Netflix!’. I asked her: ‘What is it you think you should be doing instead?’

Well, as you can imagine, there was no end to the list of things Helen thought she ‘should’ be doing…and that was the problem. See, Helen was so busy hating where she was that she couldn’t see a clear path to where she wanted to be.

She was her own worst enemy.

The self-loathing was obvious as she ranted and raved about how ‘useless’ she was. So, here’s what I said to her…:‘Your only homework this week is to watch Netflix…and have a great time doing it.’

Why? Because procrastination was a symptom of other, much deeper stuff. What Helen really needed to do was to give herself a break, accept where she was and stop beating herself up about it.

When people feel overwhelmed, often it’s because they have too many balls in the air. Sometimes they’ve been conditioned from an early age to put other people before themselves at all times.

That, along with a feeling of not being good enough and being terrified of failure, leads to stagnancy. In Helen’s first session, I did lots of work on her self-esteem and her ability to set boundaries, say no when she needed to and put herself first.

When she returned for her second session, she was beaming from ear to ear. Interestingly enough that week, she’d had no interest in Netflix whatsoever, because she was actually inspired to make a start on her to-do list.

Instead of trying to make herself do stuff, she concentrated on feeling good, being nice to herself and allowing the inspiration for action to come naturally to her; and it worked.

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Causes of Procrastination

When you’re avoiding important tasks, sabotaging yourself and putting obstacles in your own way, there are almost always one of these elements at play;

  • Physical Overwhelm  –  I’ve got too much to do;
  • Emotional Overwhelm – somebody wants too much from me;
  • Mismatched values – in other words, if the activity you’re trying to motivate yourself to do goes against your moral values or you perceive that doing it will harm you physically or emotionally, you will not do it;
  • Fear Of Failure

Looking to conquer procrastination? You can reach out to me directly or reach out to me directly for more details.

How Motivational Hypnosis Works for Inspiration and Energy

When I work with clients for motivation and procrastination, I have four goals:

  • To rebuild self-reliance and self-esteem so that the client starts to really believe they do have the ability to achieve their desired goals;
  • To remove any negative beliefs and baggage in relation to a false concept of always having to put the needs of others above their own’
  • Remove patterns of people pleasing or fear of conflict
  • Once initial beliefs  and blocks have been removed, the client has to be willing to make changes to their behaviour. 

I set goals with them that will allow them to actively challenge the old stories and mindset blocks that tell them they ‘can’t’ do it

This is a collaborative process between myself and the client that requires action on both sides. If you’d like to know more about how to boost your motivation and increase your energy with hypnotherapy, contact me here for a free 15-minute consultation.

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