
Hypnotherapy for Confidence and Low Self-Esteem

Hypnosis is a safe and effective tool that resolves the underlying beliefs and behaviour patterns that cause low self-esteem.

Many people suffer from a lack of confidence, and few individuals know what to do with the painful feelings that arise from not feeling good enough.

What Causes Low Self-Esteem

From the moment we are born, we’re bombarded with images and messages from the media and society that tell us two things:

  • You’re not good enough;
  • You don’t measure up

Our society measures self-worth based on worldly conditions such as money, physical appearance, and social status.

Yet it’s all an illusion because none of these factors actually cause lasting happiness, resilience, or self-esteem. Yet we continue to be seduced by these lies.

Hypnosis for confidence helps us break free from that illusion.

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Understanding Hypnotherapy for Confidence

No matter what issues my clients present with, I always incorporate self-reliance work in their sessions.

This is because true confidence can’t be conjured is an inner peace that comes from deep inside and has nothing to do with a person’s outer circumstances.

Real confidence is unshakable and comes from a deep sense of contentment and peace that can only be cultivated by training the mind.

Hypnosis for self-esteem and confidence provides the building blocks of self-worth, ease, and inner peace that allow us to live our lives to the full.

Don’t Believe The Stories Your Inner Critic Tells You

Many of my clients tell me that they want to get rid of the negative thoughts that tell them they’ll never be good enough. 

In truth, you can’t get rid of the negative thoughts because they are a limbic system response from the brain that is proliferated in order to keep us safe. Some call this phenomenon the ‘inner critic’.

But…just because you think it, doesn’t make it true.

Happy, self-reliant people are able to recognise when the inner critic is talking and not pay any attention to the stories it is trying to tell them.

With the help of a qualified hypnotherapist; it’s possible to change the painful and unpleasant negative subconscious beliefs that hold us back, and we can train ourselves to recognise the false stories as they arise without becoming identified with them.

My Hypnotherapy Confidence Therapy Treatment Protocol

My approach to treating clients for confidence is holistic and personalised. I use a combination of hypnotherapy techniques and mindfulness practices to address the root causes of low self-esteem.

  • I provide a detailed diagnosis of the beliefs and subconscious blocks that are causing or exacerbating negative mind state;
  • Every appointment includes a powerful hypnosis session with me, that directly addresses the client’s specific blocks to happiness, self-worth, and well-being;
  • All clients receive a professionally recorded hypnotherapy confidence MP3 to  listen to in between sessions that will amplify the work we do together and provide ongoing support;
  • Pay as you go, or choose a 3-session package to save money

If you’re seeking guidance to boost your self-confidence and overcome low self-esteem in Melbourne, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact me directly or book an appointment form for support.

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CASE STUDY: How David Turned A Cubic Zirconia Into A Diamond

To everybody else, David appeared brave, self-assured, and successful. He was a leader in his field and many people admired and respected him.

The problem was even though David was good at faking confidence he didn’t really feel it deep inside. In fact, he was terrified that other people were going to discover that he was a ‘fraud’.

David’s job required him to do a lot of public speaking and in recent months he had found himself going into a state of panic beforehand and sometimes during his speaking engagements.

David had what I call ‘cubic zirconia’. He was harbouring deep seated beliefs that caused incredibly low self-worth but he was masking this with fake confidence.

My job was to turn that cubic zirconia into a diamond – and I did this using hypnotherapy. We addressed all the negative subconscious beliefs that were causing David to feel bad about himself and I taught him how to recognise the inner critic without identifying with the negative thoughts.

David was thrilled with the results of our work together and went on to enjoy even more success in his field and his personal life.

You Can Have The Diamond Too

If you are struggling with self-judgement, low confidence, or feeling unsure of your place in the world I can teach you how to cultivate a deep inner confidence that radiates out to the rest of the world.