
Hypnosis For Heartbreak

If you’re dealing with heartbreak over a failed marriage or relationship, hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to help you process your feelings, resolve unwanted baggage and move on with your life.

It’s especially helpful if you still have feelings for your ex and you keep going back to them even though you know it’s a bad idea.

Can’t Get Them Out Of Your Head? - With Hypnotherapy, You Can.

It’s hard enough splitting up, but you only prolong the heartache when you continue obsessing over your ex. On the other hand, it’s possible to free yourself with the help of a professional hypnotherapist. If you find yourself:

  • Pining over your ex;
  • Going crazy with jealousy at the thought of them being with someone else;
  • Unable to sleep, eat or function because your head is a mess;
  • Constantly checking your ex’s social media profiles

Then you may benefit from hypnosis. If your ex still wants to be friends that makes things even more confusing. You may find yourself misinterpreting their gestures of friendship as an indication that they want to get back together.

And if that’s something you want you’re probably in a world of pain and vulnerable to being manipulated.

The best medicine is time away from your ex-partner. This is impossible when you have kids together – but if you don’t have kids, take this opportunity to be alone and process your feelings without the added pressure of having to see your ex all the time.

Even if you are forced to maintain contact due to kids, there are many ways hypnosis can help you to handle this contact in a positive and constructive way without going crazy.

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What Causes Ongoing Heartbreak?

For many, the heartbreak is fresh and new, but some people struggle years after the breakup and still feel like they can’t move on.

When things like this happen to us, sometimes the baggage is left behind, causing havoc in our lives.

Fallout from breakups can include:

  • Negative feelings and lack of confidence;
  • Obsessing thoughts and feelings about the other person;
  • Negative beliefs we have developed as a result of the relationship that keeps us feeling stuck and disempowered;
  • A perceived inability to move on or be happy

How My Hypnotherapy Can Help You Heal Heartbreak From a Relationship Breakup

Sometimes people ring me and say I want you to erase this person from my memory. Even if I could do that, I wouldn’t because every experience in life teaches us something very valuable.

Instead, I work with the client to:

  • Let go of the baggage but keep the learning from the situation so they can take this wisdom into the next relationship;
  • Resolve any negative beliefs that were created as a result of the old baggage and cultivate a solid sense of self-worth, resilience and strength;
  • Improve communication skills so they can express themselves in a healthy way going forward;
  • Help them find clarity about what they really want in life and in the next relationship if that is appropriate

If you’re looking for support to heal from heartbreak or a relationship breakup, call me directly at 0403920200.

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CASE STUDY: How “Breanna” Got Over Her Ex

Breanna had a pattern with her partner where he would leave her but still wanted to stay in contact as friends. Breanna was still in love with him and he used this to his advantage. He didn’t want Breanna for himself, but he sure didn’t want anybody else to have her either.

So she would do her best to get over him, and just when she was starting to heal he would lob back into her life and tell her he couldn’t live without her.

This cycle of behaviour went on for many years until Breanna came to see me.


I discovered that Breanna had very low self-esteem and didn’t really believe she deserved any better than this guy. But hypnosis changed all that. We worked together to develop strategies that allowed her to let go of this person for good; and now Breanna is happily married to someone else.

A Clinical hypnotherapist who is well trained in how the mind works will be able to give you tools and strategies that will allow you to move past the relationship and create a happy life now and in the future.

If you’re looking for support to heal from heartbreak or a relationship breakup, feel free to reach out to me directly or visit the Contact Us page for more details. As a Melbourne-based hypnotherapist, I am dedicated to guiding you toward a happier life using the transformative power of hypnosis to help you move on from lost love.

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