
Hypnosis Counselling and Psychotherapy in Melbourne

Many people often ask me if the process of hypnosis involves some level of counselling, and it does.

Most accredited hypnotherapists are trained in counselling because information gathering is one of the most important aspects of any successful treatment protocol.

I Don’t Need Counselling – I Just Want The Problem Solved

I can understand the frustration in the voices of some clients as they explain to me that they’ve been in counselling for several years and still nothing has changed.

That’s because counselling for the sake of information gathering on its own is not sufficient to facilitate lasting changes.

I’ll use the subject of weight loss to explain my point.


About 90% of my clients already know what they need to do to lose weight; but often emotional factors such as stress, depression, low self-esteem and relationship conflicts come into play.

In these cases, the weight issue is not ‘just’ about food and exercise, but rather it is a multi-faceted problem that requires the skills of a trained therapist to explore.

To find the beliefs and behaviour patterns that are causing the problem and can subsequently be addressed with hypnosis, a hypnotherapist must be able to have in-depth conversations with her client.

Hypnosis Counselling Facilitates Lasting Change

Talking with a trained professional counsellor is a great way to:

  • Unpack any emotional baggage that may be impacting the client’s current experience;
  • Provide the client with a sense of clarity and insight about how their mind works and how they can develop strategies to resolve emotional issues;
  • Discover deeper psychological and subconscious factors that need to be addressed during hypnosis
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Issues That Counselling And Psychotherapy Can Address

Counselling and psychotherapy can address a range of issues including:

The role of a counsellor is to actively listen without judgement or bias, so she can assist you in addressing the particular problem you’re dealing with.

The discussions you have with your psychotherapist are private and confidential, and the goal of your therapist is to offer insight, feedback and suggestions designed to help you see more clearly and move towards a helpful solution.

You should always feel safe and supported by your therapist, as she’s there to facilitate positive change in an easy and respectful manner.

I Have Good Friends That Support Me…Why Do I Need a Counsellor?

While good friends are vital in times of emotional stress, your friends rarely have the skills and experience needed to guide you in times of turmoil.

It’s often difficult for your friends to be objective, and they may not be able or willing to communicate truthfully with you for fear of upsetting you or altering the dynamics of your relationship.

Also, sometimes your friends are part of the intricate tapestry that needs to be explored in therapy; you’re less likely to disclose your true feelings to friends than you are to an unbiased third party.

Finally, your friends are more likely to offer advice based on their own bias, rather than helping you discover appropriate tools and strategies that will enable you to find the solution yourself, on your own terms.

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Opt For a Skilled Hypnosis Expert and Counsellor

One of the biggest differences between a friend and a counsellor is that in a friendship, it’s a two-way street; you may feel guilty about taking up your friend’s time with all your problems and feel compelled to steer the conversation back to them.

In the counselling or therapy room, it’s all about you. It provides you with the one-on-one support you need to process your feelings, without feeling pressure to reciprocate.

When choosing your therapist, make sure she has an accredited counselling qualification. The advantage of choosing a counsellor who also practices hypnosis and mindfulness is that you’ll be provided with a myriad of conscious and subconscious tools that will help you move past any setback or problem quickly.

Gone are the days when you have to attend counselling for week after week and year after year to get anywhere. Most clients can expect to see results after two to three sessions.

If you’re looking for professional support from a skilled hypnotherapy expert and counsellor in Melbourne, you can call me directly or schedule an appointment by filling out the inquiry form.