Weight Loss

Hypnosis to Manage Weight Loss and Food Cravings

Clinical hypnotherapy is an excellent tool that digs deep into your subconscious mind to remove the self-sabotaging mechanisms that cause weight problems.

The best weight loss hypnosis Melbourne practitioners all have three qualities in common:

  • They hold government accredited qualifications;
  • They have been practising for 10 years or more;
  • They treat a minimum of 600 clients per year

 In other words, it’s really important to work with a therapist who has plenty of experience.

By the time most people come to my office, they’ve usually tried everything, only to end up back where they started: frustrated, disappointed and in scared that no-one can help.

Why People Can’t Lose Weight

Most people I work with me already know what they should be doing to lose weight, but they ‘re sabotaging themselves.

And that’s because everybody approaches weight loss from the same perspective; they treat the symptoms of the weight problem without addressing the underlying cause.

For the majority of people:

  • The symptoms of being overweight are overeating and (sometimes) lack of exercise;
  • Maintaining a consistent and appropriate level of calories and regular exercise is usually enough for most people to sustain a healthy weight

So, why is it so hard?

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Emotional and Subconscious Factors of Being Overweight

Well, we have to take into consideration the various emotional and subconscious factors that can contribute to weight problems.

Some of these include:

  • Negative beliefs and subconscious pay-offs;
  • Negative body image;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Being overwhelmed;
  • Difficulty setting boundaries (IE: I’m not a priority)

So, as you can see, the subject of weight loss is multifactorial and needs to be addressed and customised to suit each individual.

Subconscious Beliefs that Stop Weight Loss

Let me explain subconscious beliefs in a little more detail.

A belief is basically a thought you keep thinking. As you continue to think that thought, it starts to gain traction.

Once a person has continued with a thought pattern for a while, eventually it becomes a belief; and our beliefs create our reality.

In other words, we act upon our beliefs, even if those beliefs aren’t serving us.

The Top 4 Subconscious Beliefs that Stop You from Losing Weight Permanently:

  • I have no willpower;
  • I’m lazy;
  • I don’t have time;
  • This is the way I’ve always been

If any of these statements ring true with you, you may benefit from a discussion with me.

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Customised Clinical Hypnosis Programs for Weight Loss

I could sit down with you and diagnose your negative beliefs in ten minutes; but what do you do once you know what those beliefs are? 

It’s difficult to change them yourself because your conscious critical mind is always on alert. It’s responding to your current belief systems and acting them out.

An this is where the help of a qualified hypnotherapist is essential.

Detailed Diagnosis, and a Personal Weight Loss Plan

When you go into hypnosis, your conscious mind shuts down, while your subconscious listens intently to what I am saying. So, with your permission, I can potentially help to change the beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

Here’s How Hypnosis for Weight Loss My Protocol Works:

  • I provide a detailed diagnosis of the beliefs and subconscious blocks that are stopping you from losing weight;
  • Every appointment includes a powerful hypnosis session with me,  that directly addresses your specific blocks to weight loss and moves you in the direction of your goals;
  • We collaborate to develop an action plan that will allow you to lose weight in a steady, sustainable way, enjoying a healthy lifestyle without being deprived of the foods you love;
  • You also receive a professionally-recorded hypnotherapy weight loss MP3 to  listen to in between sessions that will amplify the work we do together and provide ongoing support;
  • Choose from 3 packages, depending on your budget and specific needs.


You are welcome to call me and discover how hypnotherapy can help you with weight loss.

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CASE STUDY: Rebecca Thought All Hope Was Lost

Rebecca came to my office for our first session feeling desperate and alone. She had tried and failed to lose weight so many times with endless diets and I was her last resort.

If this didn’t work, she told me, she was going to have lap band surgery,

But what Rebecca didn’t realise was that no surgical procedure can take away the urge to overeat – especially if that urge has emotional triggers.


She’d just come out of an emotionally abusive 23-year marriage and her confidence was at an all-time low. Binge-eating was Rebecca’s way of coping with the stuff that had gone wrong in her life.

As part of her weight loss hypnosis sessions, I incorporated specific therapeutic suggestions for confidence, assertiveness and wellbeing. 

Once Rebecca started to get a solid footing, she found the resources to do what she needed to do. By the end of her 4th hypnotherapy session, she had lost 4 kilos and was feeling refreshed, renewed and confident that she could continue losing weight and reach her weight loss goals without my help.

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Opt For a Skilled Hypnotherapist for Your Weight Loss Program

If you’re really serious about making a change and you’re ready to work with an accredited hypnosis practitioner, you can request a free 15-minute assessment. I’ll show you where you’re going wrong in your weight loss journey, why, and what you can do to fix it.

This meeting is obligation free – for both of us. I don’t work with everybody who contacts me; only people I really think I can help.

As a certified hypnotherapist in Melbourne, I offer effective hypnotherapy solutions for managing food cravings and supporting weight loss. To get started, feel free to give me a call or schedule an appointment.