What Being a Clinical Hypnotherapist Taught Me About People


As a Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic with years of experience working with clients, I’ve learned so much about people, not only through my studies but also through human interactions.

I’ve listened to stories of inspiration and hope during times of uncertainty and helped celebrate breakthroughs with clients who changed their lives.

Here are a few of the things that I’ve learned in life and as a hypnotist.


Minds Are Powerful Things

Among the most intriguing things is the capacity of the human mind. According to research, people have a memory capacity equal to or greater than a hard drive that holds four terabytes of information.

That’s a lot of stuff! Some of it this information is helpful and good, while other memories might be difficult or traumatic.

Whether we consciously remember these experiences or not, all of them make imprints in our lives. And, these “stamps” in our memory and consciousness can significantly influence our lives many, many years down the road.

As a certified practitioner, I get the opportunity to practise my expertise to help people. Using the power of suggestion, I help clients breakthrough negative imprints that are holding them back.


Self-Esteem Issues Are Common

According to reports, as many as 85% of people struggle with low self-esteem issues. While the causes behind low self-esteem can vary, common reasons could include:

  • Having an unhappy childhood;
  • Criticism from others;
  • Negative body image;
  • Having learning troubles;
  • Experiencing financial difficulties;
  • Stress;
  • Serious illness;
  • Being in unhealthy relationships

When we don’t feel good about ourselves, it affects us physiologically and emotionally, and sometimes we develop behaviour patterns that work against us. Some of the behaviours commonly associated with low self-esteem include:

  • Negative self-talk;
  • Sensitivity to criticism;
  • Focusing on negativity;
  • Overlooking accomplishments;
  • Self-abuse;
  • Substance abuse;
  • Social withdrawal;
  • Hostility;
  • Difficulty accepting compliments

Working with a clinical hypnotist, clients can address and take strides to diminish the long-term programming and replace it with affirmative self-talk that holds them back from living a happier, more fulfilling, and productive life.


People Are Resilient

Even during the most challenging circumstances and conditions, people are incredibly resilient. Having the capacity to deal with and overcome adversity and come out better on the other side of difficulties is part of the human experience.

When traumatic events happen, the mind and body have a remarkable way of protecting us against harmful memories and experiences.

In some cases, the subconscious mind takes over and represses (or forgets) details about traumatic or distressing events that happen in life. Some examples of situations where this defense mechanism could get used as protection include:

  • Physical abuse;
  • Emotional abuse;

It’s believed that when the mind processes a traumatic event, it stores the memory in a “nonconscious” zone of the brain, making recollection more difficult.

Memory repression might seem like a generally healthy way to handle stressful, painful, or difficult situations on the surface.

However, it is quite the opposite. Suppressing unpleasant memories may interfere with regular brain activity and lessens the likelihood the event unconsciously influences behaviour.

Repressed memories can come to the surface in multiple ways. Some of the ways include:

  • Triggers;
  • Nightmares;
  • Memory distortion;
  • Flashbacks;
  • Body memories;
  • Dissociative personality disorders;
  • Sleep talking;
  • Re-enactment behaviours

When these behaviors occur, people dealing with repressed memories can experience many different emotions, including shame, denial, anger, guilt, fear, numbness, or pain.

In some cases, people may find themselves subconsciously repeating or re-enacting the behavior done to them. As you might imagine, this can create even larger problems for society, especially in situations when the victim becomes an aggressor. This harmful behavior creates a circle of abuse that further endangers the person with repressed memories.


People Can Change

Of all the valuable things I’ve learned about people in my career, the one thing that is clear, is that people can change.

It doesn’t matter where you’re at right now. If you have an open mind and you’re willing to try the power of suggestion, you’re taking advantage of a valuable tool to overthrow outdated thoughts and habits that hold you back.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people to help them overcome obstacles that stand in the way of transforming into the version of themselves they wish to become. Please contact me for more information on the programs I offer to help you lead your best life!